Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just 3 more weeks!

Saturday of this week started with a trip to Athens so that Bop could show Morris how to use the new tractor. Of course the day was extremely hot and I felt sorry for the men as I watched them from the air conditioned house. I also felt sorry for Morris when he got stung by a wasp! Fortunately I had Mela-gel on me and it gave him instant relief. That night when we got home we did a tiny amount of work on the nursery and then crashed. We were all exhausted. Sunday was my 3rd and final baby shower, given by the sisters at Crossbridge. I will do a seperate post for this event. Sunday night I came down with some kind of stomach virus and did not sleep so I had to call in on Monday to try to catch up. I did get started on cleaning bottles. I forgot how many I have to clean!! Wednesday night we were able to pick up the Toy Box from Morris' parents house. We took it home and got it put together! It looks awesome! Friday we had our 12th Dr. Appt! Morris' heart rate was low, 127, but I think it is b/c of the way he was turned and she couldn't get a very good read on him. My blood pressure is looking good at 105/78 and I actually lost a pound this week!
This coming weekend is going to be the last chance we have to work on the nursery. We have a ladder lined up to borrow so that we can finish the fan, clouds and curtains. Then we should be able to arrange the furniture, hang the mirror and do other decor type things. I am really excited about it.

How is Morris?
At week 37, your pregnancy is considered full term, meaning baby is likely to thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which you’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If you worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of your womb, baby will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life.
My 37 week bump:

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